Riddles Thread?
Forums › General Discussion › Riddles Thread?-
I thought it would be fun to start a new thread. Let me know what everyone thinks.
- one riddle at a time
- can be about anything
- after 10 failed attemps, share the answer. -
I'll go first. "If you have me, you want to share me. But once you share me, you won't have me" what am I?
A Secret.
A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? -
What's a four letter word ending in 'K' that means intercourse? -
A butcher has size 9 shoes, what does he weigh? -
Where is the only place in the world saturday comes before Thursday? -
☣Alexander☣ wrote:
Meat...?Where is the only place in the world saturday comes before Thursday?
My kid tells me the dictionary.
Would it be less expensive for you to take a friend to the movies three times, or three friends one time?
Neither it's the same price either way...?
What's at the end of a rainbow? -
A w.......
⣖⣄⢤⢗ wrote:
WrongNeither it's the same price either way...?What's at the end of a rainbow?
Treybo130 wrote:
First scenario you pay for six tickets. If you take three friends at once you pay for four.⣖⣄⢤⢗ wrote:
WrongNeither it's the same price either way...?What's at the end of a rainbow?
ᏴᎾᏴᏴ👥ᏭᏭᏎ™ wrote:
Boom.Treybo130 wrote:
First scenario you pay for six tickets. If you take three friends at once you pay for four.⣖⣄⢤⢗ wrote:
WrongNeither it's the same price either way...?What's at the end of a rainbow?
What's long and hard and full of seamen?
🌟 ℕᎾℛᏆℋ💫ЅᏆᎯℛ 🌟 wrote:
Your mom?What's long and hard and full of seamen?
⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
😂😂😂😂😂🌟 ℕᎾℛᏆℋ💫ЅᏆᎯℛ 🌟 wrote:
Your mom?What's long and hard and full of seamen?
But, the answer he would prefer is a submarine. -
4nick8r wrote:
It's all in the delivery. When you read seamen you think navy, when you read semen you think his mom.⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
😂😂😂😂😂But, the answer he would prefer is a submarine.🌟 ℕᎾℛᏆℋ💫ЅᏆᎯℛ 🌟 wrote:
Your mom?What's long and hard and full of seamen?
Treybo130 wrote:
She could be full of both actually4nick8r wrote:
It's all in the delivery. When you read seamen you think navy, when you read semen you think his mom.⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
😂😂😂😂😂But, the answer he would prefer is a submarine.🌟 ℕᎾℛᏆℋ💫ЅᏆᎯℛ 🌟 wrote:
Your mom?What's long and hard and full of seamen?
nͥo͒bͣoͫdy wrote:
I hear Nobody likes North Star's mom.Treybo130 wrote:
She could be full of both actually4nick8r wrote:
It's all in the delivery. When you read seamen you think navy, when you read semen you think his mom.⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
😂😂😂😂😂But, the answer he would prefer is a submarine.🌟 ℕᎾℛᏆℋ💫ЅᏆᎯℛ 🌟 wrote:
Your mom?What's long and hard and full of seamen?
Sorry for getting this thread off topic!
What building has the most stories?
A library
Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks? -
Neither, they both weigh a pound.
If I drink, I die. If I eat, I live. What am I?
A fire.
What goes up when the rain comes down? -
An umbrella.
Imagine you're in a dark room, how do you get out? -
Stop imagining it!
What is seen twice a week but only once in a year? -
What can you catch but you can't throw? -
What is black and white, and red all over?
⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
Was looking for sickness... But that works too😂Herpes.
What is black and white, and red all over?
A newspaper
What has a foot but no legs? -
Was going for a Penguin hit by a car, but your answer works just the same.
⣖⣄⢤⢗ wrote:
Snail.A newspaperWhat has a foot but no legs?
A man leaves home and turns left three times, only to return home facing two men wearing masks. Who are those two men? -
The catcher and umpire.
What uses 4 legs, then 2, and then 3 before dying?
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