Mafia Town: Part IV 🚶🏻🔫
Forums › General Discussion › Mafia Town: Part IV 🚶🏻🔫-
Last time I was in this town, it was crawling with zombies...
They sure cleaned this place up in the past 5 years, almost. As I was heading into what they call downtown, if the hotel bar and the pharmacy in the gas station count as downtown, to look for the mystery man with the trail of clues that brought me here in the first place, I spotted a gathering of citizens hauling SP out of the bar. He didn't even appear to know what was really happening till he was dragged over an impromptu street fire. Seems he may have spilt a shot or two on him cause his clothing caught fire real fast and held him tight while the mob watched in excited horror at their handiwork till he stopped moving... -
No way did I come back here to get roasted for a mafia cookout, I took off once the sirens rang out to start the night. remembering it's not a good idea to be outside at night without a gun I remembered there was a " Villains Guns and Liqour" open 24 hours in this town. Just my luck, they're offering a 2 for 1 sale, I'll take 5 please, can't be too careful, plus I might make a friend along the way...
Damn it. Every single game we have killed two inocent people first. That's statistically improbable. Sorry squirlpig. In my defense though, someone had to make the blind stab
I vote villian
Treybo130 wrote:
It's the night phase, wait for the day to start.I vote villian
Just realized we're on page 3, not 2.Treybo130 wrote:
It's the night phase, wait for the day to start.I vote villian
Treybo130 wrote:
You're dead, I don't think you can vote now.I vote villian
It was dark, real dark, like can't see anything dark. Night time in FunkyTown has a vibe, can't put my finger on it but it's there. Why do the mafia keep coming back here, I ask myself. I mean sure every now and then there's a zombie outbreak but the mafia keep coming back!! There's got to be a reason why...
With guns in hand I made my way towards the old arcade at the edge of town. Whoever brought me here must want something or they wouldn't have gone to the trouble to blindly lead me here with obscure clues. As I was rounding "Corner Park" I spotted North Star doing what appeared to be hiding. Seems he was shaken in accusing an innocent man of mafia dealings which led to his death. He was also scared that he'd be lynched by the other citizens for his part in BorderPigs death. I tossed him a gun and told him he doesn't have to be afraid anymore, he's got a gun now. He seemed to perk up a little when I told him he's coming with me to the old arcade to watch my back just in case...
I'm flattered by the clearance, but just to play it double safe, I decided to buy a one way ticket out of Funky Town. I wanted to go somwhere warm with good skiing... New Zealand matches the description there I go, on the 3:10 flight riding seat 13 D. I pack my belongings (the few I have since that hooker Wanda stole all my savings last year), then I say a quick prayer that the mafia doesn't bag me in my sleep and that there's no crying baby on the flight. I roll over, flip the lights, and go to bed.
[Begin Day Phase]
ƮƕƐ ƑƲƞƙƔ ƮƟƜƝ Ƭǐɱɘƨ:
Undercover officer found dead!
Last night undercover cop, ѵ ɪʟʟʌ͒ɪи was found at the bottom of Funky Lake wearing cement shoes. The mafia is believed to have had discovered his true identity :(New Funky Town falling apart?
It appears as if things have taken a turn for the worst: the mafia is running rampant, neighbors are turning on each other, and it looks like more and more are people are packing up and leaving the town out of fear of death.
When confronted the mayor stated:
"This is not the first time we've been faced with death nor will it be the last, yet we've shown time and time again that we always prevail in the end. This time is no exception, just remember to never lose hope." -
Who will die on this Beautiful day?
Choose wisely 😊 -
Could we get list of who all is alive please?
ШÎŁĐΣМΛЙ💀 Treybo130 💀
💀 Border⚔Pig🐖 💀
💀 Sylvester Calzo 💀
💀. ѵ ɪ ʟ ʟ ʌ͒ ɪ и 💀 -
Crap. I thought I was already dead! 😂😂😂 Guess I should pay attention now!
So day phase now? Let's go [dday], he is un characteristically quiet compared to his usual self. 😜
Alexander has been quiet as well. I'm going to vote for him 😉
Meh, I was never really enthused for another round of this game anyway. I just posted that the target 18 players seemed a bit too high (and it totally was), so I'm not exactly as vested in this as usual.
As for my vote, I'd say Logan - he gives off an air of knowing more than he, by any rights, should. -
Ahaha, thought you were dead too Weasel. How come you haven't brought out the Taco truck yet? The citizens are dying for it. I for one could use a drink and a burrito
I think I'd like a drink Weasel.
Upon realizing that Funky Town was in need of new life to kick start the economy, I decided it might be a good time to throw my name in the circle for the upcoming town election. Mayor шΞΛᔖΞĿ has quite a nice ring to it. I contemplated it, mapped out a sure fire method to market myself and my political strategies to guarantee a victory. I decided to extend an invitation to former mayor ШÎŁĐΣМΛЙ to join my staff as advisor. After enjoying a nice lunch at the really crappy Mexican joint that went in where the old Woolworth's used to be, I came to a realization: This food sucks!
The town has really been lacking for good eats since the demise of my taco truck during The Great Zombie Takeover of 2015. After ШÎŁĐΣМΛЙ and I finished exploring the other dives around town (Meler's Muffin Tops; Brooklyns Pizza Palace; Tats Tots; Mini Mogul's Mini Donuts; Mav's Maple Emporium) it became perfectly clear. I'm comin' back baby!!! After all, it would be hard for people to correctly write the name шΞΛᔖΞĿ on their ballots. Stay tuned for more information on the grand opening of Weasel's Burritos & Brews.
Psyched after hearing that the ol tacos and tonics would have a come back under a new name i began to fast with plans of showing up to the grand opening to get blitzed and eat burritos. This town really has come a long way since last years devistating zombie attack after the mafia ran rampid through the streets. Though, our luck was never as it seemed and our underground problems have yet again resurfaced. I couldnt help but think that they must have a safehouse somewhere.. Maybe in the old warehouse district. Grabbing what was left of my ammo, i picked up my gun and was ready to find out. With a joint in my mouth, i headed off into the old "funky town times" newspaper factory. Maybe i'll find something here...Lets hope i dont get killed in the process
Sorry for my absence guys. Been a bit distracted by real life and trying to build up the ol profile whenever i find time. I'll vote dday.
I arrive at the airport, it's 2:55, I'm not late, but u don't have time to waste. I go to print my ticket, but what is this! I break a sweat in horror; the flight is canceled! I quickly walk to the airline teller and ask why there's a cancelation? They say it's because Alexander was the towns only pilot and now that he's under suspicion, they fear the citizens will shoot down the plane if he tried to leave now. The flight is rescheduled for tomorrow morning. "I guess New Zealand will have to wait" I mutter as I light my pipe. I return to my beaten down apartment, damn it, I almost survived another mafia attack. Then my spirits are lifted as I realize I can still leave if Alexander survives!
I don't know if it's a good or bad vote, but it's certainly a greedy one as I will be voting for dday on the hope that my plane departs. -
Dday's death was a brutal one indeed. About three dozen angry citizens stormed his house, he was quickly overwhelmed. In the end, when everyone cleared, all that was left was a beaten and defaced carcass.
The autopsy showed signs of severe blunt force trauma, second degree burns, and even signs of rectal tearing 😳
Nevertheless, the police have just confirmed that another innocent has fallen victim of the mafia purge. -
[Begin Night Phase]
I've spent the last 24-hours building out the beat up Airstream I found down by the old saw mill in my travels with ШÎŁĐΣМΛЙ yesterday. Weasel's Burritos & Brews will be on the road soon enough. History has shown what can happen in Funky Town at the drop of a hat, so I've taken some extra steps and built this thing out A-Team style. I figure worse case I can slam the hatch and plow through zombies, pissed off mafia or whatever the hell infests the city this time. And the kegs of my special "Hoppy🐰Ending IPA" that should be about ready, certainly won't hurt either. 🚌🌯🍺
This night has been the most quiet one yet, there is a dense fog in the air, many citizens stay awake in there houses and apartments with doors locked, and people on the street by no means make eye contact with one another.
It's about 12:30 AM and the detective, who manages to hide his identity throughout the ordeal, sits at his desk shifting through a mountain of papers. The ring of a phone breaks the silence of the dim lit room. It's an anonymous tip claiming that Weasel has been working with the mafia and that he was on on his way to kill Logan right now. -
Acting with the utmost urgency, the detective quickly gathered about 6 deputies then rushed to Logan's shitty ass house in the West Side of Funky Town. One they arrived they had no time to explain so they threw him into a car and started rushing back to the police station where he would be safe.
To get back to the station they would have to cross town square. When they arrived in square they came upon make shift road blocks which permitted there to be only one way in or out of the square.There are now 3 cop cars lined up in the square, each has two deputies in the driver and passengers seats. Logan and the detective sit in the back seat of the second car. One of the deputies quietly says "we may have to turn around", as the detective looks around he notices that things seem very off: street lights look more dim than usual, the fog is so thick it was hard to see more than 20 feet in front of you, and the strangest thing is that no one was around. Usually there are always people in the square day and night.
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