Mafia Town: Part IV 🚶🏻🔫
Forums › General Discussion › Mafia Town: Part IV 🚶🏻🔫-
Ok gents gather round for a meeting! It looks like were balls deep in mafia again so well just keep it simple and go with the old fashion way of dealing with them: by killing a person a day based on false accusations and assumptions.
So, who'll it be? [Begin Day phase] -
Could we get a list of all the residents?
Sylvester Calzo
ѵ ɪ ʟ ʟ ʌ͒ ɪ и
I vote for Sylvester, he just sounds like a Mafia kind of guy.
(Due to the requests by some citizens the day and night phases will be extended to 24 hours each, so the next phase will start 12:00PM tomorrow.)
I agree with Bobb, Sylvester has my vote.
I will join the mob and select Sylvester. I heard he frequents low quality pubs.
Is it too late to join? I just got back from vacation without wifi.
It has long been a rumor that Sylvester was the culprit behind the sabotage that took out the original Weasel's Tacos 'n' Tonics truck. So I shall vote for him as well. That, and I never was a fan of the way Sylvester treated Tweety.
Being awoken from a mid day nap Sylvester was violently drug from his home to the center of town were he was tied to a post and executed via fireing squad. All of the gunman hit their target, but unfortunately every one of them missed vital organs so Calzo slowly and painfully bled to death from multiple flesh wounds. The police investigation found that he was an innocent you murders
Meanwhile, ШÎŁĐΣМΛЙ arrived in funky town just before nightfall. He walked into the bar where he found squirrel pig and a few others who were reminiscing about past events.
[Begin Night Phase] -
I burst into the bar, "ᏴᎾᏴᏴ is dead!" " About a half hour ago someone taking a midnight walk heard screams coming from a nearby wearhouse, they barged in to find detective ᏴᎾᏴᏴ👥994 tied to a chair burning to death with 'Stuck In The Middle With You' blasting from a nearby stereo." "Police are investigating the scene now.
Well I don't know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you 🎧👻 -
I woke up one day on a sunny, bikini drenched beach on a southern pacific Island knowing that I put the Funky town mess behind me long ago. Gold bars go a long way when you know where to use them... But only a few days ago that beach dream came to an end when a strange man walked up to me at the lobby bar and handed me an envelope and continued on his way. The single card with ominous little words made me look for the stranger a little harder but it was to no avail. Who was he? and why now? I ask myself. I finished my drink, tipped the bartender and left but left the envelope behind. Won't be needing it where I'm going I think to myself.
Four simple yet oh so complicated words.
Here we go again ... -
Why is it that every time I roll into Funky Town, Italian Stereotypes are trying to cause trouble. I returned to the old and dark Weasels Bar, good memories of that place will always make it Weasels to me no matter how much cheap Deco styling you try to cram down its shitter. Saw some old familiars as I walked in but the shit hit the fan pretty much as I got my first drink!
Mafia Hitmen working during dinner hours? Man, I never seen such a short ramp to the violence I saw. Quick thinking kept me alive however the drink was a gonner as I dove over the bar. I knew there was an old trapdoor in the men's room that could get me and a few others out so I led the way as careful as we could go. Seems the mafia were only after a local cop, detective Bobb I heard someone mention, so we were relatively safe... For now.
But now I'm pissed that I didn't get that drink before heading to my safe house away from home. Time to get some rest, I don't even know what phase it is today. -
If it's day phase I'll throw the first vote, how about squirrel pig?
"Hum... what? oh right."Why is it that every time I roll into Funky Town, Italian Stereotypes are trying to cause trouble. I returned to the old and dark Weasels Bar, good memories of that place will always make it Weasels to me no matter how much cheap was a gonner as I dove over the bar. I knew there was an old trapdoor in the men's room that could get me and a few others out so I led the way as careful as we could go. Seems the mafia were only after a local cop, detective Bobb I heard someone mention, so we were relatively safe... For now. But now I'm pissed that I didn't get that drink before heading to my safe house away from home. Time to get some rest, I don't even know what phase it is today.
[Begin day phase] -
ƮƕƐ ƑƲƞƙƔ ƮƟƜƝ Ƭǐɱɘƨ:
Very late last night the Suspect in recent murder case and suspected mafia collaborator, TreyBo130, was involved in a high speed police chase followed by a long and drawn out hostage situation which eventually claimed the life of TreyBo as well as the hostage/hooker whom he had picked up shortly before the confrontation. The lead detective on the case, who's decided to remain anonymous, had to say on this on matter: "This is such a tragic incident my heart goes out for the innocent victim's fam..... 😶 -
A vote for Villain. There's something about that name...
Woah, I say as I woke up. Another death? Thought Bobb died during the night in a burst of Flames?! I must have slept longer than I thought.
I vote for SP
🐿Border⚔Pig🐖 wrote:
Make that 2A vote for Villain. There's something about that name...
ѵ ɪ ʟ ʟ ʌ͒ ɪ и wrote:
In the past, I'd flip the switch and burn anyone named villian. But in this instance, it just makes too much sense to go that route. This is Funky Town after all. Things are always ass backwards here. That said, I'll side with him on this matter and throw a vote in for the Pig. 🌰🐽I vote for SP
Well, here I go, an innocent, getting killed again on the second round. Darn you weasel! Unless someone in the game will vote Villain.
Make that two votes to break the tie. Two votes for villain. Let's hear it. :)
I'll keep my vote on border pig. Someone has to go anyways. My apologies if you turn up a citizen :)
Roast the pig!
A small group of people gathered in an allyway, "this is it, SP just has to be with the mafia" another said "why are we waiting? We should go deal with the trator right now".
The vigilantes gathered quite a few more followers and headed to the bar where they found squirrel pig passed out drunk. The dragged his semi-conscious body in the street where they roasted him alive over a fire to set an example. Unfortunately, the police arrived at the seen just after he had died a slow agonizing death. The confirmed that he was an innocent.
[Begin Night Phase] -
Told ya. (Oink.)
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