Mafia Town: Part IV 🚶🏻🔫
Forums › General Discussion › Mafia Town: Part IV 🚶🏻🔫-
Welcome to Mafia Part 4! The rules are as follows:
1) The first 18 people to post will play. 2) out of those 18, five will be designated "Mafia".
3) The Mafia's goal is to kill everyone else in the town.
4) They will do this by choosing one person to kill during the "night phase".
5) During the "day phase", the town will decide on one person to kill who they think is Mafia.
6) If you die, you are out. No argument.
7) also out of the 18 players will be three "detectives". During each night phase, the detectives can choose one person to investigate. I will then tell them whether or not that person is Mafia.
8) There will also be one person designated as "Angel". Every night, the angel can choose one person to save. If that person is killed by the mafia, they are brought back to life. 9) The game is won when there are either no mafia or no townspeople remaining.
10) Each phase will last about 12 hours. (Unless said otherwise)
11) zombies might be added in later in the game. -
Well, sounds good. See how she goes
It's been about five years since the events of Mafia Part III, which brought utter destruction to Funky Town. With nowhere to go I became a drifter. Eventually I would return to the ruins of the Town to honor the innocents who were killed there. That's when I got the idea of Founding New Funky Town!
Count me in 👍🏼👍🏼
18 people this time, huh? Seems to be a tad ambitious. I'm not in yet, but I might change my mind later.
[dday] wrote:
Go big or go home, this is happening.18 people this time, huh? Seems to be a tad ambitious. I'm not in yet, but I might change my mind later.
Well alright then.
Even though I know you jerks will kill me off first, I'll give it another go nonetheless. 👊🏼
Thats 4, the LEAST we can have is 10, if the number of people is lower than 15 then number of detectives and mafia will be adjusted.
Me me me me 🖐🏼
I'm in
I'm in again. Hopefully I live longer. I was an innocent villager killed by an unforgiving mob last time.
Sounds very interesting
Heard of the game, never played but I'm willing to try it now 😀 Hope it goes well for me haha.
I'm in merely to understand why this keeps happening.
We've got enough people to make the game work so now let's see how many more we can get. 10☝🏻️
The mayor of New Funky Town has decided to declare New Years Day an unofficial holiday. Thus all facilities in the town shall be closed until the Morning after New Years Day. And to kick off the new year, rumor has it that Weasel's previously failed, "Tacos and Tonics" will be ATTEMPTING to make a comeback.
(The game officially starts the morning after New Years Day cuz I figure we'll prob all feel like shit Thursday morning.) 🍻x_x
So it starts Saturday morning?(The game officially starts the morning after New Years Day cuz I figure we'll prob all feel like shit Thursday morning.) 🍻x_x
⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
ye-yesUИDЕЯТАКЕЯ⑥⓹ wrote:
So it starts Saturday morning?(The game officially starts the morning after New Years Day cuz I figure we'll prob all feel like shit Thursday morning.) 🍻x_x
⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
Maybe some of us need an extra day to recover from the hangover.Bump?
Apparently. 🍾🍾🍾😷
ᏴᎾᏴᏴ👥ᏭᏭᏎ™ wrote:
😂😂😂⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
Maybe some of us need an extra day to recover from the hangover.Bump?
👥꒒૦૭વ꒖👥 wrote:
Some havent stopped yet...ᏴᎾᏴᏴ👥ᏭᏭᏎ™ wrote:
😂😂😂⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
Maybe some of us need an extra day to recover from the hangover.Bump?
On that note, I found a great barleywine-style Ale called Blithering Idiot (Weyerbacher, Easton PA), which made my holiday. Crazy good stuff.
I've had that as well. Quite good. Respect the 11% ABV though, or you'll pay the next day.
⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
In Tucson we have Old Monkeyshine which is above 10%, a sixer of that can get out of hand quick. It's very smooth but sits heavy.I've had that as well. Quite good. Respect the 11% ABV though, or you'll pay the next day.
As far as high ABV brews, Dogfish Head 120IPA (18%) is pretty good, and Goose Island makes a coffee stout (14%) that's nice
. I've had stronger beers than that (over 25% ABV) but most of those are not worth the time to find them nor the cost to acquire. If I'm going to drop a good amount on something to drink I'll opt for something other than a beer.
ƮƕƐ ƑƲƞƙƔ ƮƟƜƝ Ƭǐɱɘƨ:
Mafia Rumors Confirmed?
It appears that rumors of the mafia infiltrating the town once again may be true. This idea is fully supported by old Ms. Weathers loved ones, who were forced to cope with her tragic loss when she was cut down by a hail of gunfire while walking home from church this morning. The assailant has still not been caught and the mayor has yet to comment on the situation.
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