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Join the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! He boiled for your sins.
Feel like I've seen this before
Me too and it's been so long since I've dropped in to say hi.
Meh, it was back on page 64. Not really that long in the whole great big grand scheme of things.
Ultra 64 is a beer that resembles alcohol when you drop a shot of whiskey in it
The Nintendo 64 system was first released in Japan on the 23rd of June, 1996. Now that was a long time ago.
1964 was the last year they minted 90% silver coins - Now that's an even longer time ago
Time doesn't exist outside of the human mind.
I don't keep a watch in my mind so it seems time must exist in other places.
[dday] wrote:
Nintedo 64?? I grew up playing PS1The Nintendo 64 system was first released in Japan on the 23rd of June, 1996. Now that was a long time ago.
Oh man, I'm not old but I grew up playing a sega master system so by comparison, maybe I am old.
1964 - Vietnam war, civil rights and Beatles invaded America.
I'm still mad at the Beatles for all the casualties to women and children from that invasion
1964.5 was the first Mustang introducing the world to the pony car era!
1965-lots of nuclear testing all over the world.
1966- The number of posts in this thread before this one
1967- See above.
Guess nobody could think of anything for the next one
100- The number of pages in the 100K thread now.
1971- November 8th, Tech n9ne was born.
Also, the 71 charger, is BADASS
1972- The year of the last manned moon landing.
I say they actually landed on the moon and left the reflector that can still bounce a laser back and forth. Some think it was done in a movie studio
Well of course it was. Those people are nut jobs.
I think the nut job was a movie. I watched it with my nieces.
Movies are good.
Person A is 8x richer but dies at 1/4 the age of person B. Would you rather be person A or person B?
1: 8 x ___ = how rich? Person B could stand for Broke ass mofo. Lol
2: How long does theoretical Person B live? Also, could Person A devote some of said potential weath into extending Person B's life time in order to live longer?
The 2010 world average life expectancy was 67.2 years. One quarter of that is 16.8 years. I don't want to die at 16.8 years of age. I'll take option B.
☣Alexander☣ wrote:
Person B is middle-lower class ($25k/year) and lives to be 87. Person A is stingy and donates very little to charity (the occasional $1 every few years)1: 8 x ___ = how rich? Person B could stand for Broke ass mofo. Lol
2: How long does theoretical Person B live? Also, could Person A devote some of said potential weath into extending Person B's life time in order to live longer?
In multiple choice questions C is the most common answer. So I will take person C.
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