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Stupid spaces dont show-_-
Your story is flawed. How could alcohol make anything taste bad?
Maybe the aliens are allergic? Or just really stupid?
People can also be pretty dumb too, you know. -
Paul the alien is pretty damn chill. I wanna bet they'd probably bring down some pretty interstellar weed. Knock your shit, out of this world - like glowing greenish purple and makes you halucinate unicorns and shit- weed.
☣Alexander☣ wrote:
Where do I sign up?Paul the alien is pretty damn chill. I wanna bet they'd probably bring down some pretty interstellar weed. Knock your shit, out of this world - like glowing greenish purple and makes you halucinate unicorns and shit- weed.
Try Salvia if you want out-of-this-world, over-the-counter hallucinations
Alien pot. Only on GSGD.
[dday] wrote:
Really? then it looks like we are way ahead of everyone else gentlemen! Way to go Alex👍, you started a topic nobody has ever touched, lol.🚬👽💨Alien pot. Only on GSGD.
I'm available as a tester to make sure it's out of this world.[dday] wrote:
Really? then it looks like we are way ahead of everyone else gentlemen! Way to go Alex👍, you started a topic nobody has ever touched, lol.🚬👽💨Alien pot. Only on GSGD.
Holidays are officially over. My 11 days off was real nice.
Always sucks when holidays end.
*Sssip* 🍺
Mhm. -
So we agree.
It seems as if we all agree. In fact, I'm sure Nobody would agree too.
If nobody agrees then everyone else should agree too
A reasoned and logical conclusion.
In the movies🎥, Logic💡 usually gets shoved up reasons ass🐘↖️, then when your left thinking🙇💭 about it too long🚂🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋, that's when the 💥Explosions💥 start. Thank you👍 Will Smith and Independence👽Day.
I really enjoyed your added visuals. They actually make the statement quite exciting. 😋💨In the movies🎥, Logic💡 usually gets shoved up reasons ass🐘↖️, then when your left thinking🙇💭 about it too long🚂🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋, that's when the 💥Explosions💥 start. Thank you👍 Will Smith and Independence👽Day.
Typical Hollywood. Telling blatant lies about what is and isn't possible for money. When Earth is really invaded by aliens and we attack them with an Apple Mac and a relic from the '50s, we'll know just who to blame.In the movies🎥, Logic💡 usually gets shoved up reasons ass🐘↖️, then when your left thinking🙇💭 about it too long🚂🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋, that's when the 💥Explosions💥 start. Thank you👍 Will Smith and Independence👽Day.
Why are we attacking? I thought we were just chilling and smoking some weed with them.
Because these are the Independence Day aliens, not the chill-and-smoke-pot aliens. They attacked us; now we're attacking back.
I vote on a different group of aliens attacking us. Like the kind that attack by testing their weed on us.
Like, a Rastafalien people?:o
I obviously promote the testing of thc on humans.
"Take me to your dealer👽✌" -
I second all that👆
Well, I already thirded it...
Looks like ШÎŁĐΣМΛЙ thwarted your thirding.
He thwarted my having the last post...
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