Conspiracy theories
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Gimme your conspiracy theories. Conspire against anyone, Obama, the government, Diferent countries or races (I don't mind any racism) any conspiracy theories are welcome.
Here's mine;school is a government conspiracy to control the minds of the people from and early age so that in the future they benifit the economy and the government instead of rebelling agains the tyrant like government.
Turtles aren't really green
Obama is Bin Laden, and was an employee of the CIA
Fluoride is being used as a mass birth control technique. The increased frequency in miscarriages is directly link to level of fluoride intake.
An Xbox one will monitor 1,000,000 boys jacking off to goats on YouTube.
The holocaust didn't really was not the nazis who killed all the Jews it was actually the Russians, at the start of the Second World War Russia actually occupied several parts of Poland and began mass genocide, it was only when the nazis turned against Russia that the nazis found mass graves........
Jesus was a muslim
All Thai girls are men
America is about to face its worse food crisis in over a century and Obama's solution is to use the 'disarmament' process to mass incarcerate your population and reduce the population level. As the incarcerated will be fed protein solutions made by genetically modified bugs.
Sorry to come out the wood work but I love conspiracy theories...........the bilderberg group is the illuminati
I have a theory that 99.99% of conspiricay theories are far from believable
And the Arab spring was created by the west / bilderberg due to several middle eastern countries wanting to setup their own currency with which to trade oil.......every country in the world has to use dollars at the min....hence the term America gets a cut of every deal......the new currency would have meant America missing out on trillions of dollars cut every year.
Your mobile phone actually transmits voice everyone with a mobile is always being monitored...........much in the same way the new kinect will............
Aliens actually built the great pyramids of Giza as each one is an exact ratio of its corresponding planet, so the one that represents earth is the exact ratio in size to the one that represents Venus etc.........the only way this could have been known was if someone with extraterrestrial knowledge had build them, and they are perfectly aligned.......considering the distance they are spread this would have been impossible at that time without 'heavenly' intervention.
No GreenMan? They must have gotten him...
America did carry out both the September 11 attacks and the recent marathon bombing itself.......or a breakway sector of the CIA did.........these are referred to as false flag attacks within the US
Not only have we been being fed horse meat in the uk, but every animal you take to the vets to get put down gets passed into our food chain, and there are rumours human being have been passed into the food chain but I'd like to think that last bit is maybe untrue.
Prodaddy....... The conspiracy theorist.
Sorry to jump this thread...........I am mel Gibson in conspiracy theory matey.
I've even had some articles published on infowars.
ProtectiveDaddy wrote:
If you actually believe that your my real life enemyAmerica did carry out both the September 11 attacks and the recent marathon bombing itself.......or a breakway sector of the CIA did.........these are referred to as false flag attacks within the US
I know way to much to tell you guys... And it's actually real
There is a conspiracy theory about everything..... Whether its true or not is what makes it a theory.
For the guys who were going on about ionisation a couple of days ago............ARTIFICIAL ATMOSPHERIC IONIZATION is not for weather control - the ions actually act as a form of mind control, your brain works off electrical currents, and by ionising the air it switches on certain receptors creating aggressive if you wanted a country to rise for civil war or to have a reason for military intervention due to uncontrollable violence this is how it is done. Watch out America FEMA is very busy at the minute.
And the best til last.......the earth axis has actually moved. The changes in weather are not due to 'global warming' as global warming is a myth, it is actually the polar ice caps no longer sit at the top and the bottom of the earths axis the North Pole is now where mid Canada use to be. We no longer has a gentle spin, more of a rock and this is what causes the tsunami effect.
Eastcoast look at the facts, take the marathon...why were government military men there, why on the morning of the marathon was it broadcast there would be a 'bomb drill' at the time the bombs went off. And why was the second bomb at the the stand were the families of the victims of the sandy foot massacre (another apparent false flag) and they were taken into the library after the first bomb went off, but the second bomb failed to detonate.......was this to target the 'families' or was it to show the sandy foot to be a false flag whe the 'families' true identities were disclosed........who knows.......worlds a crazy place
Almost everything you believe or know is wrong like someone said earlier in thread education is what makes us what we get taught or told and who tells in America are worse than us Brits, everyday you swear an allegiance, from an early age your taught to trust your government.........but it doesn't matter what's real or what's not no one is every going to change it.
Nick is a CIA operative and everyone playing this game has been tricked I to revealing their exact location ready for FEMA to come with their body bags................I made that one up.
Or the top 20 players in this game are Meanfreepath employees and by spending their free tib they are actively encouraging everyone else to spend to try to catch up making them millions..................and Havoc is Nick.........made that one up as well
ProtectiveDaddy wrote:
9/11 is quastionable but I'm not convinced it was bush. And I don't believe that about the marathonEastcoast look at the facts, take the marathon...why were government military men there, why on the morning of the marathon was it broadcast there would be a 'bomb drill' at the time the bombs went off. And why was the second bomb at the the stand were the families of the victims of the sandy foot massacre (another apparent false flag) and they were taken into the library after the first bomb went off, but the second bomb failed to detonate.......was this to target the 'families' or was it to show the sandy foot to be a false flag whe the 'families' true identities were disclosed........who knows.......worlds a crazy place
ProtectiveDaddy wrote:
Now that one must be trueOr the top 20 players in this game are Meanfreepath employees and by spending their free tib they are actively encouraging everyone else to spend to try to catch up making them millions..................and Havoc is Nick.........made that one up as well
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