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That's what this game should be called
I spent two months building up my agents and money just to have it all stolen from me ... even worse I payed for the trib to buy bases -
illuminati just finish me off ..
I don't understand...why reset, if all you lost was 2 months worth of work? You were playing for longer than that, weren't you? Two months' worth of work could have been made up in about...2 months, maybe?🤷♂️👉😵
RIP motown 👎🏼
"I want to keep this game alive" - Pinesap
Guess he shouldn't have declared on us. Sounds like a liberal crybaby, to me. "I declared on them ; so they shouldn't have come after me".
CΛ͒ΖΖʘ wrote:
We both know you guys provoked it first. Congratulations, your team is the death of the gameGuess he shouldn't have declared on us. Sounds like a liberal crybaby, to me. "I declared on them ; so they shouldn't have come after me".
⠀⠀⠀ wrote:
Cry some more thenCΛ͒ΖΖʘ wrote:
We both know you guys provoked it first. Congratulations, your team is the death of the gameGuess he shouldn't have declared on us. Sounds like a liberal crybaby, to me. "I declared on them ; so they shouldn't have come after me".
To offer a peaceful resolution would have been best but i do know devil was stubborn and stood against anyone that would cap his syndicate. If only everyone could just leave each other be for a while. Allow people to build some morale and find enjoyment in the game again. Its a conflict of interest, But which is most important. getting rid of the enemies, or preserving the existing player base?
I don't think their concern is the player base or wars wouldn't start over one player not being dropped from a syndicate or one base being c4'd,the illusion of being set on, or being in an area deemed exclusive. Basically the goal of the game for a select few is to find the tiniest glimmer of a reason to run others off while the rest hope to not fart while hopping or building lest offend the select few and have no reason to want to open the app again. Just my opinion of course
My account, is the perfect example of what is wrong with the community. Games been out what, 4 years? And I have surpassed 98% of you in every aspect of the game in 6 months. Lol. Step ur game up, or shut the fuck up🤷🏼♀️
DUЅТ͒ІИ wrote:
I procrastinated lots. Many techniques weren't discovered or discussed in the early years. You started in a prime time when knowledge is easily obtained through your peers. You've dedicated lots of time within that 6 months. Its commendable...but not everyone can do that. Im sure you have a life thats demanding, but others could be more so. I see where youre coming from but it is indeed true what raindogs saying.My account, is the perfect example of what is wrong with the community. Games been out what, 4 years? And I have surpassed 98% of you in every aspect of the game in 6 months. Lol. Step ur game up, or shut the fuck up🤷🏼♀️
Ghost for example. Or now known as "only mules grow". He followed the right ways to play. Grew quickly., and by doing so was branded a mule. picked on because he associated with some outside of that "select few". People who sought him out and helped him only to make sure he knew what he was doing and had people he could rely on (Mostly me😅). Thats only one example. Those "select few" do a lot of good. But is it outweighed by the bad? A question i wont assume i can answer ... But enough of that "mob up or shut up" mentality. It does no good when arguing generalities. People play the way they want to... but is how some play good for the game? If not, why is it encouraged? Oh well i guess
It isn't about surpassing another's acct or in the amount of time it took to do so. I left the game and came back with 11k less agents and made an effort to get above my previous high level and did it, but you don't hear using that "muscle" to run people out of the game and telling them to stop crying. I capped someone and they fought back and rather than beat them down and destroy them, I welcomed it as the game dynamic and chalked it up as experience. I think the convo is about the attitude of a small group of players doing whatever they want and then when someone else tries to do the same or even hint at fighting back, they get branded a mule or an enemy and get obliterated. Kinda hard to grow when you are a pet project so the "mob up or shut up" thought process doesn't really work. And if that person did somehow "mob up" and seek retaliation, he/she just get beat down again. Then the motivation to play loses it's luster and soon people start leaving for good.
And for the record, getting an income base capped and then c4ing it or trying to get it back should not warrant a complete attack of every base, income, or agents for weeks on end by more than just the one player that got a base c4'd or capped that wasn't his in the first place. Sounds an awful lot like looking for a fight(aka Cheney and the wmd in Iraq).
RΛINDᎧG wrote:
This is extremely exaggerated. Personally I'm not going to c4 a player I'm not interested in tangling with. It's a war game. We are gonna lose bases. I encourage fighting back but if you are gonna fold like a dishrag then why bother? Eat the loss of a couple bases and keep working at growth. I don't recommend messaging the capper, You're welcome.And for the record, getting an income base capped and then c4ing it or trying to get it back should not warrant a complete attack of every base, income, or agents for weeks on end by more than just the one player that got a base c4'd or capped that wasn't his in the first place. Sounds an awful lot like looking for a fight(aka Cheney and the wmd in Iraq).
Even though I'm greatful players like Joey Donuts, and Bas have returned to fight, they left the battle in the past only to grow and return. So players like Raindog, Alex, Swelmer and any other former enemy deserve a cautious 👁 in our opinion. It is clear your groups favor eachother and communicate. You can continue to tell stories but when a old enemy plants in a random area 2 hours before I lose a set up to the enemy group they came from then I'm going to assume the old enemy dropped a dime. I may not act on that assumption right away but at some point the coincidences get a bit heavy to ignore.
Speaking for myself, of course I communicate with my former synd members. You, of all people, Pine understand the bonds formed with the teammates you have fought side by side with. As for coincidences of planting in areas where they are at, of course I do that. I ask where I can get good tib returns at, all while looking for high income areas, and someone tells me where to hunt and I return the favor. Then there is the FACT that I know I can plant near them and they won't take the income or agent base and they know the same of me. Can you say the same? Can I come plant in some random income area that you or another member of your synd is in and not get capped out? No I cannot. If I did I would be accused of setting up despite the fact that I am in a synd that has 2 others with a grand total of like 12 agents and the fact that there are only like 2 in your synd I could cap solo.
Instead I have to find other income areas and hope one of your members doesn't stumble upon it and set just outside it and cap me. Then get told "well you had several in that area and it costs too much to plant there so I took a few" and that's if I am lucky. Most times I've been capped out of the areas completely. As for my previous statement being exagerated, you are telling me that if I were to cap one of your teammates to take an income base that you all wouldn't come after me again? You wouldn't hunt my income bases and take out as many as you could? I know that would happen.
I would lose millions in income and have plenty of bases free within a week. You guys would use it as an excuse to reignite a war on me in a second. I know it and I'll bet most others in the game feel the same that in order to be able to grow they have to be extremely careful not to hit any of you guys or one of the many mules in the several minor synds your team has. Most know that capping a base or 2 is a pseudo death sentence for their acct.
So, to end the novel I just wrote, my statement stands.....a select few can do what they want while the rest of the dwindling player base walks on eggshells. If they were to try to do what the select few does, they would end up being run out of the game. The challenge of the game is a thing of the past that dird right about the time of the mega hop bases and stockholm incidents occuring.THE END
First of all who needs a excuse to ignite a war? If I want to cap you then I will. TBH I feel like capping you right now. This is not the real world. It's a war game for territory. I'd like to see people stick around and compete but why shouldn't I play the game the best I can? The objective of the game is to control as much territory as possible. Holy shit, I don't know how else to explain the same stuff over and over.
It's the same dumb ramblings every time one of you guys type. You all say the same shit. Who is doing all the brain washing? No you can't plant safely next to our bases. You obviously hold a grudge against us and can't be trusted because of it. If you don't wanna walk on eggshells then come up with a plan to compete. Nighthawk has probably taken the biggest beating of all our enemies and the guy never complains. He rebuilds and comes back at us. -
Wow....basically you didn't get the point of my postings. The OP started a rant on why he reset and it went in a different direction when another brought up the OP declaring war on you guys. Alex brought up whether the tactics your team employs is detrimental to keeping an active player base (that isn't tied to the illum synd or it's minor factions). So I chimed in and expressed my OPINION, which is educated by being on both sides. Did the war thing and doing the peaceful build and can totally see where non illum players get frustrated. I get capped enough despite being zero threat to the little fiefdom illum has going and I won't be because to actually make a dent I would have to spend $$ on this game in order to catch up (or take like a year of tib hunting)and I'm not interested or patient enough for that. Plus I am enjoying not actually giving a shit about notifications and worrying if my setups will get spotted before 24 hrs.
And, just curious, why the angry undertones in your post? Never once did I actually call your name other than to say you would understand the comraderie of players who have fought together. I wasn't bitching and moaning and saying how unfair it is to be capped. No reason to. Havent been capped but once in the last week. Just pointed out the obvious that a small group of players can impose their will on the rest and that can be frustrating to a smaller player. I can also see how it would get boring when the largest players are in the same group and there are few other options for fighting as the player base is quite lacking.
You should not take my general observation so personally. I don't hold a grudge, in fact I enjoyed the war while I participated and wouldn't have the profile I have now without it. So...cap if you will, won't hear me complain in a post or otherwise, but I will express my opinion and share my thoughts if I so choose to. Which brings me to another point....maybe this is why the forum is dead....threats of digital violence for sharing opinions that the ranking players don't agree with......let's begin.....
Just kidding 😜
Hope you all have a great day or night wherever you may be! -
If you do not like the way "the select few" run the game. I'll say it again, a little slower this time, mob up, or, shut up...
it's a war game... and all y'all do is bitch about being capped. I have burned a few areas but I've been very resevered for what I could do.
Also, I have spent $0 total in 4 years on this game, so spending money isn't an excuse anymore.
So, HMU if you want me to explain to you how to grow your account, for free, so you can take on the select few, until then🤐 -
And If you can't handle the few caps you get while you are growing, then you won't last a week with the full attention of the select few🤗
Are you on drugs? The beginning of ur comment is, " Speaking for myself" and the rest of the comment is I, I, I, and You, You, You.
If so many feel the same way then they should all band together to take out the evil select few. -
Once again.....A little slower this time...I. Am. Not. Bitching. About. Being. Capped. Personally. Merely an opinion on how I see the game has progressed over the past 4 years from day 1. And I have seen the full attention of the select few and am still here. And honestly, no offense but you are not among who that refers to. You are a newer gun in the arsenal and were given guidance/protection from some of the biggest and most veteran players in the game. Forgive me if I'm mistaken about how long you have been around but I don't recall encountering you in my time in the war. You came to your current profile while I was away or recently around loot week. Not sure and don't care. Congrats on your ability to grow your acct for $30 less than what I spent for mine . Maybe I should have joined your side and saved a few bucks. Coulda used it for cigs or something. Lol
For do I mob up so I can keep voicing my opinion? Must be doing something wrong as all I got are some lousy agents. 😜 -
I think he wants me to "acquire his bases" sounds fun. I wish he knew what it was like, but guess he never will. Welcome to the game raindog, I hope you will still be around after we get as well acquainted as me and Devilfish got🤗🤗
And to say you're "still around" is an under statement. That's like saying urban law is "still around" lol. Just because you log in and cry in the forums doesn't mean you play. I would say go pick and fight and get some action, but you look like you already have ur hands full. Lul
Wow. Still around as in not reset. Only way I would reset is from a ban by the devs. And wouldn't say I cry in the forums or really post in them either. Just got bored in the middle of the night and thought I would share some thoughts. Not a single tear shed over here. Have at it if you want to, not gonna fight back so would be pretty easy for you. Not to mention your alliance is already declared on me and I have 6-7 k less agents than you. But feel free to try to run me out of the game. Just proves that my observations were indeed correct. Thank you! And btw, your "insult" of me is actually a complement. 😘 I appreciate it!!
Understatement----the presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is.
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