How dumb can people be?
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If you knew every time you c4'd a base that was just capped from you at least 5 of yours will be flattened in return would you still do it? It seems counter productive to me. The upgrades you c4 were yours to begin with and you are just assuring more of your bases get hit.
I like the idea of keeping territorial disputes cold, so it's kind of like an auction, how much influence will you bid on a territory before you decide its not worth it
YOU wrote:
It makes it more fun and fair, specifically for lower level players, regardless of who gets the territory in the end everyone will still have gained influenceI like the idea of keeping territorial disputes cold, so it's kind of like an auction, how much influence will you bid on a territory before you decide its not worth it
TΛ͒T wrote:
Right now C4ing your own base and booby traps are the same. The devs need to change the traps as to destroy both players bases. You might clear someone from the map, but risk losing your bases in the process.If you knew every time you c4'd a base that was just capped from you at least 5 of yours will be flattened in return would you still do it? It seems counter productive to me. The upgrades you c4 were yours to begin with and you are just assuring more of your bases get hit.
Treybo130 wrote:
Yes booby traps are pretty uselessTΛ͒T wrote:
Right now C4ing your own base and booby traps are the same. The devs need to change the traps as to destroy both players bases. You might clear someone from the map, but risk losing your bases in the process.If you knew every time you c4'd a base that was just capped from you at least 5 of yours will be flattened in return would you still do it? It seems counter productive to me. The upgrades you c4 were yours to begin with and you are just assuring more of your bases get hit.
They must not care about their own bases. Only destroying yours.
so let me see if i get the math straight.... my options are as follows:
1) I lose a base and do nothing - and only lose that base
2) I lose a base, and c4 that base (no longer mne) and as a result 5-10 more of MY bases get c4'ed to obviously option 1 is "cheaper" from a resources perspective, but some ppl (stubborn?? idiots? proud?) still insist on "saving face" by throwing c4 even tho it is more costly ... I know what i would do
Pv͒D wrote:
I will say there's a gain when some bases are captured. If you're searching for tib you don't have to wait 7 days to tear down, but merely the 24hrs it takes for the other player to be eligible to acquire. Also I agree. C4 is best for battles, not let me see if i get the math straight.... my options are as follows: 1) I lose a base and do nothing - and only lose that base2) I lose a base, and c4 that base (no longer mne) and as a result 5-10 more of MY bases get c4'ed to rubble....
so obviously option 1 is "cheaper" from a resources perspective, but some ppl (stubborn?? idiots? proud?) still insist on "saving face" by throwing c4 even tho it is more costly ... I know what i would do
Pv͒D wrote:
My experience is these types usually rage reset shortly after "so you can't take anymore" which is even sadder. This leads me to not C4 back but to take several more bases instead. However, most ignore the taking of a single base or msg me to stop. Which I do. There are TONS of inactives to be had let me see if i get the math straight.... my options are as follows: 1) I lose a base and do nothing - and only lose that base2) I lose a base, and c4 that base (no longer mne) and as a result 5-10 more of MY bases get c4'ed to rubble....
so obviously option 1 is "cheaper" from a resources perspective, but some ppl (stubborn?? idiots? proud?) still insist on "saving face" by throwing c4 even tho it is more costly ... I know what i would do
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