Corrupt A Wish
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You make it to the big leagues as the team benchwarmer! You never get to hit the ball except in practices and you don't appear on any baseball cards.
It's still raining. 😞. Now I wish for a 10ft flatscreen tv -
You never hit the wall. You made it bro! But you play like Michael Jordan did and have a career half as long.
I wish I could catch fish like the ones on river monsters. -
YOU wrote:
That was in reply to weasel. Didn't realize this got big enough for a second page.You never hit the wall. You made it bro! But you play like Michael Jordan did and have a career half as long. I wish I could catch fish like the ones on river monsters.
You catch fish like the ones from river monsters... Exactly like the ones from river monsters... In fact, bigger and more lethal than the ones in river monsters. You survive the attack with both legs lost in the belly of the beast.
Now can I get my 10ft flatscreen? -
You get your 10 foot flatscreen only to remember that it gets just three channels.
I wish vacation would last forever
Granted. You spend the rest of your life in a supermax prison, getting three meals a day, an hour of exercise, and you never need to worry about a paycheck again. Of course, you now realize that those forever boyish looks have a drawback.
I wish I could spend a year sailing a 30 ft sailboat around the Mediterranean.
Its just you and post op Bruce Jenner for a whole year, alone, on a boat, with no one around.
I wish i had the ability to read minds
You are reading everyone's minds and it makes it impossible for others to get along with you. You have no friends and quickly develop a cynical attitude towards life with no hopes for humanity.
I wish my feet wouldn't be so sore and blistered -
Granted, but it's been so long tgat they've gotten infected by a secretly released nanoweapon from Russia, so they still really hurt.
I wish I had a 25th hour each day to do whatever I wanted. -
Fritzmann wrote:
Granted. But for that hour flies will be buzzing around your ears and landing on your nose.Granted, but it's been so long tgat they've gotten infected by a secretly released nanoweapon from Russia, so they still really hurt.I wish I had a 25th hour each day to do whatever I wanted.
I wish I could sing really well.
Granted but you mess up your leg instead.
I wish I owned North America
You own North America after a nuclear war, everything is destroyed and no one is left alive.
I wish I had a private cook -
Granted. But he hates you and poisons your gourmet meatlovers pizza.
I wish I had some chicken fingers right now.
You get the chicken fingers from your favorite resturaunt immediately. You complement the waiter on the speedy delivery and ask for some ranch (or whatever condiment you most like). He informs you that they are out of ranch and don't get re-stocked for another week. You leave, not having taken a bite because you just can't bring yourself to eat chicken fingers w/o the dip.
I wish for a sleep so deep that I actually feel well-rested in the morning. -
You're sleep is so deep, that you never actually wake up and are forever trapped in a dream where you are being chased by the cannibal Shia LaBeouf.
I wish my name was Gary.
Your name is now Gary. All your family members think you're crazy because you don't know who 'Noah' is. They send you to an insane asylum where you spend the rest of your life in misery. Sorry Gary.
I wish more people would play GS
More people do start playing GS, quite a few hundred start playing in your own area, soon your home town becomes crammed with hundreds of players trying to take you down and become director themselves, you also develop extreme anxiety and paronoia because of the treat of deing dethroned
I wish that I had unlimited tib
Granted you and every player is given unlimited TIB. The next week the servers shut down and the game ends due to the sudden unprofitability this causes.
I wish this thread would end.
This thread ended for 3 hours... Until then I commented on it😁
I wish I could clean up the work trucks tomorrow instead of watering grass -
Granted! But now everyone's grass is brown and dying and your to blame! The citizens are taking up pitch forks and coming for you, but those trucks sure do look nice!
I wish I still toured playing drums for the top country band! -
Granted, however you become the least popular band member, and people start referring to you as the "Ringo" of the group.
I wish that I had unlimited warehouses and VDs
undertaker65 wrote:
You're on the run because you lost track of where you were discarding your dead prostitutes among all of your warehouses and there's not enough penicillin to cure your VDs.I wish that I had unlimited warehouses and VDs
I wish politicians listened and voting mattered.
Granted, but just as things started to turn around, the stock market took an unexpected nose dive, next anarchy broke out due mass unemployment and the eventual halt in the flow of consumer goods, then governments started to collapse, the world would never be the same again.
I wish nick would start advertising.
Granted. But he only advertises on android devices.
I wish thanksgiving was everyday
Granted but there no food and your left alone on earth
Whoops here my wish
I wish the Detriot Lions won the superbowl
They win, but get banned from sports for cheating and never get to play again.
I wish that it would stop raining in Alaska, it's goddamn winter already and we want snow!❄️ -
Granted, but you get 40 feet of snow and all the snowplows are buried.
I wish women would go topless more often....
Granted, but you're stuck on an island of centenarians.
I wish I could teleport anywhere on the planet at will.
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