Why do musicians die young?
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I can think of many famous ones who only live to their 20s and 30s, but why does it happen?
Most of them are addicted to drugs or something along those lines. Like michael jackson, your typical gifted musician, but a dumbass none the less.
PRIDE wrote:
This. A lot of them think their title makes them "immortal". So they're more reckless.Most of them are addicted to drugs or something along those lines. Like michael jackson, your typical gifted musician, but a dumbass none the less.
Stress plays a key role here, as does pressure. More money, more people are dependent, that equals more pressure, more problems. Drugs are often an easy escape from stress, pressure and problems.
Drugs due to the god complex , they think their superstars and better than everyone else , but the truth is they are human but seem to forget that once stardom hits them
A lot of great musicians are pretty introverted and use drugs and alcohol as a way to get through the performance. In time ot gets the best of them.
A lot of bad ones are narcissistic bastards that love the attention of the stage and they just keep on living...
Of course there are always exceptions. -
If you have ever been around the music industry and witnessed what goes into making a musician a STar it's a grinding process . To make one track in the lab ( recording studio ) I mean its thousands of dollars an hour / a day and than you have video promoters , managers and of course image managers who take you from your REAL self and strip your soul from you an out fit you into a perfect puppet which eventually you become depressed and a addict if your weak . That's just a little tad bit of the music dramas . Success and failure seem to be dangerouse to ones health !
They make a good image for themselves if they die when they are famous and set up their family with good money. The ultimate taking one for the team.
What you all fail to realize is the direct correlation between music and disease/misfortune. Even with the latest medical advancements, scientist have yet to find the exact link. In the mean time kids, put down those violins and pick up a machine gun.
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