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I finally won.
TΛ͒T wrote:
LOL no.I finally won.
4 days might be a record
4 days happened once before, near the relative beginning of the game, I believe. You could go on an archive binge to find it, if you were so inclined.
Curly Pube wrote:
you cut off my lead you curly pube i hope you get caught in a drain 😡Sup
Wow 4 days of Quiet? That definitely must have been a record.
Something like that.Wow 4 days of Quiet? That definitely must have been a record.
No one is ever going to win. We should just give up and crown [dday] the winner. All in favor?
⚔шΞΛᔖΞĿ⚔ wrote:
Aye.No one is ever going to win. We should just give up and crown [dday] the winner. All in favor?
7 dinners: each 700 calories or less, each for only $7.77
Is this a good deal? -
?laed doog a siht sI
77.7$ ylno rof hcae ,ssel ro seirolac 007 hcae :srennid 7 -
I'm winning!
!gninniw m'I
!krod a hcus er'uoY
You're such a dork!
This thread took a strange turn
.nrut egnarts a koot daerht sihT
Gel swan god
dog naws leG
3 day limit is up
pu si timil yad 3
Decided i should make an appearance again, been a lil while since ive played.
.deyalp evi ecnis elihw lil a neeb ,niaga ecnaraeppa na ekam dluohs i dediceD
☣Alexander☣ wrote:
I've haven't done much lately either, been busy lol.Decided i should make an appearance again, been a lil while since ive played.
.ehcadaeh a em gnivig er'uoY .taht topS ...yadd dnA
And dday... Spot that. You're giving me a headache.
.lol ysub neeb ,rehtie yletal hcum enod t'nevah ev'I:etorw ☣rednaxelA☣
.deyalp evi ecnis elihw lil a neeb ,niaga ecnaraeppa na ekam dluohs i dediceD
Oh.. I meant *stop that. Apparently I have reverse-dyslexia. 😳
😳 .aixelsyd-esrever evah I yltnerappA .taht pots* tnaem I ..hO
Someone should cap a base of his for everytime he makes us spend an unnecessary amount of time reading his reveresed posts. 😜
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