Join the FINLAYS

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  • ىん ن ق ه ท

    The FINLAYS are looking for good people who aren't afraid of standing up against the oppression of those who would make you believe that people who are marginalized, tormented or made to feel less than a human aren't worth a damn. YOU ARE SPECIAL!

    Some may ask...what is a Finlay? Well...if you're asking yourself that question then YOU ARE A FINLAY! We want you and we accept you for who you are.

    The FINLAYS have a rich and storied history that goes back 1000s of years, before the rise of democracy and intellictualism. We are the soil that the oppressors sow their seeds into. We are the faceless mobs in the crowds that you look at through your "glass windows" and your designer sunglasses. That packet of Equal that you poured in your overpriced latte? A Finlay was killed by a Mountain Goat while bringing that packet to your "super market". How does that sweetener taste now hippie?

    Stand tall. Step out of the shadows. Declare your alliegence to the FINLAYS.

  • ىん ن ق ه ท

    HA! The cowards have tried to silence me! You can C4 my bases all you want while sipping your no foam chai macchiato but we will not go quietly into the night!

  • Shadow

    You're walking a mighty fine line Finlay scum!

  • 🔥SirTalkALot🔥

    Damn finlays

  • ىん ن ق ه ท

    BAH! The rise of the FINLAYS is upon you! Your bourgeois ways blind you to the truth- that you are all puppets in a children's tv show! Wake up and join the enlightened! All are loved and welcomed here with the FINLAYS!

  • ℱüℕ6754

    Is it finlays or FINLAYS?

  • ىん ن ق ه ท

    finlays is how "The Man" speaks to our brethren, all lowercase and with no respect.

    FINLAYS is how we acknowledge ourselves. But truth be told most of the elderly members are hard of hearing so we shout in bold letters so they can hear us...

  • ىん ن ق ه ท

    All who are abandoned- we welcome you with open arms to our brotherhood. Stand up and declare your alliegence!

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