Some Tips To Get You Started.

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  • Cameron

    1. Make friends: quite self explanatory but, the more friends you have, in my opinion a better gaming experience and atmosphere.

    2. Scan! Scanning is essentially the main focus in this game. You get Agents, Resources, C4, Loot (if your lucky) Upgrades.

    Will be adding more as I go on...

  • ℱüℕ6754

    Cameron wrote:

    1. Make friends: quite self explanatory but, the more friends you have, in my opinion a better gaming experience and atmosphere.

    2. Scan! Scanning is essentially the main focus in this game. You get Agents, Resources, C4, Loot (if your lucky) Upgrades.

    Will be adding more as I go on...

    You can't get weapon loot

  • Cameron

    Exactly how do you then fun? :)

  • ℱüℕ6754

    Cameron wrote:

    Exactly how do you then fun? :)

    It's not added yet, it will be added as mission loot

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