Strategizing Strategies
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Early game portals:
Generally, I ask you to portal to Sweden first. It’s the best place to make money and you being there can potentially make the income rate higher for the rest of us as well.
After, I recommend getting to an area with the special items type for early scanning.
After that can be your discretion.
Early game Scanning:
Scan level 1 every time until scan skill is maxed in your profile. Each tap to collect equals 1 scanning skill point. Its a grind but if you like the game you will likely use it all and is worth it before doing higher level scans. The skill gives more loot per scan.
If possible, scan in an area with the “special items type” for early game. It yields slightly more stim pills and energy drinks than the others. (Med kits are uncertain.)
“Special upgrades” areas are good for level 3 scans, and vehicle depots on level 2.
“Dispute items” areas are good for level 2 scanning for c4. (Possibly level 1 for med kits).
“Production Items” areas may yield more resources short term, but youre better off farming resources while also building stim
pills and energy drinks. -
Early Game Jobs:
Run new jobs and level up. Return to old jobs as needed to level up. Always remember to scan BEFORE you level up. You get a small bonus for maxing jobs each 3 levels.
Early game Skill Points:
Max stam and energy first.
Next is base building skill.Base building skill points- *very important.*
The trick to maxing this is to build a replacement base first, and tear down bases older than 7 days.If you can do this in new areas to collect tiberium, that’s the best strategy and best way to grow.
You gain 10 “base building points” for building each base. If you tear down before 7 days, you lose 10 points. If you tear down after 7 days, you keep those 10 with no penalty. I named bases the day of the week a lot to help me organize this. This skill lets you hop further and further each time until its maxed.
Mid game:
After base building is maxed, I recommend staying small and gathering tib. Each base gets more expensive as you grow. Gathering the tib first is the most efficient way.
After you have enough tib, grow influence (income). Spread out and utilize Sweden for income.
The best base build for moving on the map is 2 warehouses, one distribution center, and 5 vehicle depots.
Best base for Income is 2 warehouses and 6 distribution centers. At lower levels the more influence the better.
If you made it this far, here’s a trick to be able to buy 12 workers per day for 60 each- Click ‘get more’ button (purple, top right)
Then scroll down to workers.
Click hold buy 2.
Price should still be 60.
Click hold buy 10.
720 tib for 12 workers. -
Build your other account skills:
Dispute skills are gained by attacking and winning close fights. You can check if you are getting points on the dispute results screen. The closer the fight, the more points you get. (0-5.) You can sell or buy guns as needed. DONT SELL LOOT GUNS (they have no upkeep and thats more valuable than dispute skill points).
Income skill is gained by collecting your income. I believe it is the best strategy to collect once a day at a set time. For example, Id try to collect as close to noon as possible to max my point gain. It lowers base upkeep and is nice for larger accounts.
Youll end up buying skill points with extra 200 tiberium to max this skill if you decide to.Health is a double edge sword, it can potentially help enemies drain you and your allies of cash. If you do a lot of fighting, it can be necessary to buy time to win a base if the enemy is actively defending. It’s also convenient to not have to fill up health constantly if you do a lot of capping in general.
Higher Level Strategies/things to know
Sweden is the only place with the highest income level for now. Other places can increase as well but its unknown how high.
With each base you build, the cost to build the next base increases… larger players need larger cash positions to fight and maneuver.
A wise strategy is to first calculate how much tib you want. Set up a solid number of income bases in Sweden and intentionally stay small while hopping, collecting the needed tiberium, getting rich, and building skills if needed.
A good strategy that may not max growth but still works ok for many players is to just grab 720 tib when you can and buy your 12 workers.
Jobs at higher levels.
With full 250 energy, I like to go to influencing tab and run 10 “Hire Lobbyists” (3rd best loot gun but still better than the best gun you can buy) and 5 “Create SuperPAC” (vests). This equals 250 energy.
With less energy, I just try to use as much as possible using those two jobs.
If you want level 100, Messaging tab “Create Think Tank” is the best XP per energy.
For jobs, the most money per job is the highest maxed job you have. All jobs in a said tab need to be maxed a few times to advance to the next level of doing those same jobs. (Slightly higher money each time I think).
Mules - mules are slang for another players 2nd, 3rd, etc accounts.
Generally, mules stay small and perform a builder role for the players larger account. (Cheap for them to build).
Some mules perform fighting tasks (guns, ranger, buffer. C4.)
Some mules spy on others, steal portals, etc. Im not overly concerned with spies.
I also use mules for research.
Fighting basics
Guns specialize in having many armed agents.
Rangers are the edge of the blade and do most of the actual capping in wars. Base count is kept small so their acquisition zone is small. They can use 5 times their own strength from up to 3 supporting guns in a war, they just require the guns account(s) to be in the same territory as the attack.
Bases mature into attack bases in 24 hours. (You cant just build and attack immediately.) Some players set timers to remind them when they can attack.
Your base must be in the target base’s acquisition ring.Checking if a player is active-
Targets profile click dispute
Click dispute button
Click see bonuses
Scroll down the menu above the see bonus button.It is generally ok to fight and take from inactive accounts.
To be diplomatic, send a message “are you still playing?” A week or two in advance. If they get mad, you say “sent you a message a while back, thought you were inactive”.
Keep an eye out for EDB’s Special Strategy Guide coming to a more private forum soon.
For any new players out there, this is a useful strategy guide. “Pinesoup’s Guide to All Things Square” is another useful strategy guide.
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