A GS Cheat

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  • ProtectiveDaddy

    If your a noob and you want to get rich quick, build up resources and be immune to attack.

    Don't build any bases.

    Simply keep doing scans and building your stuff up.it allows you to scan your current GPS location without building a base, and will give you a better percentage of decent upgrades all the time just like it does when you first start.
    You can't be attacked because of negative pr.
    You can't lose upgrades to c4 attacks.
    You can't be capped.
    But you can still scan for upgrades and store them.
    You still build up money through doing jobs.
    You build up c4 and can use it against people without reprisal.

    Become invincible and build up your gear until your ready to defend yourself.

  • 💫King Leonidas💫

    Good idea but they would end up having very little in the agent department

  • ProtectiveDaddy

    But they'd be collecting armoury ready to deploy when they decide to start building.
    So its just like having agents in waiting.

  • 👻ßᵃƌḁʂʂǤℌǿṩϮ👻

    And u have to be level 16 for c4

  • ProtectiveDaddy

    But your levels go up with your jobs, not bases.

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