Forums › Help & Strategy › agents-
What do They do other Thörn disputes?
They attack and defend. Quite important down the line. For the first bit focus on expanding and getting your workers and stamina up. Then get agents.
How do you get agents?
Scan for upgrades and you'll eventually get armories. Then equip armories to bases and you get + 1 agent
Qweeter1997 wrote:
Which scan gets you armories?Scan for upgrades and you'll eventually get armories. Then equip armories to bases and you get + 1 agent
The level 1 scan? Or do they all?
Im sorry im new -
Tier 1 scan gets you armories.
How do you equip agents?
Solus Hunter wrote:
So long as you have free weapons and agents, they will automatically be equipped.How do you equip agents?
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