This has been bugging me for a while.

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  • ☣Alexander☣

    If you become director of the world can you get over 15k basebuilding??

  • 🌟 ℕᎾℛᏆℋ💫ЅᏆᎯℛ 🌟

    Depends on how many bases you've planted, but in order to get that much influence you would probably get 15000 anyways.

  • ☣Alexander☣

    Well i obly ask because brooklyn is the only player i know of with over 15k...

  • 🍺Squirrel+Pig🍺

    That was a bug and he's not the only one. There was a point in the game when the 15K limit was not working. A handful of folks got past the 25K limit. Then the devs fixed the code so it limited you to 15K, but grandfathered those players. While the rest of us are limited to 39 mile hops, those above 15K would need to tell you their limits. Given the sea spaces try can hop, it's pretty far.

  • 🍺Squirrel+Pig🍺

    Oops , I typed 25K there and it should have been 15K.

  • Treybo130

    🌰SquįrręľPįg🐷 wrote:

    That was a bug and he's not the only one. There was a point in the game when the 15K limit was not working. A handful of folks got past the 15K limit. Then the devs fixed the code so it limited you to 15K, but grandfathered those players. While the rest of us are limited to 39 mile hops, those above 15K would need to tell you their limits. Given the sea spaces try can hop, it's pretty far.

    This is bullshit. The devs should raise the limit to whatever the current highest is. Also, it annoys me that I'm max at 15k but I can lower it for tearing down bases too soon.

  • ☣Alexander☣

    That is ridiculous. I started playing when they did. Do i get it too? Probably not. 😑
    I think it should be raised and capped to 25k.

    On the other note Trey brought up.
    i think it would be better if once you hit 15k you dont lose it for tearing down a base. Especially if that base didnt even get you to 15k. I understand if you're at 14,990, make the base, and then tear it down early... But if you've built 50 bases after 15k and still get deducted.. Thats not okay.

  • 🍺Squirrel+Pig🍺

    The issue with the 15k base building and the tear down that drops you below was first brought up a year ago. It's not likely going to change. There's no one actively developing the game. Just minor bug fixes.

  • nickolas1155

    How do u take over an an area such as a state county city or continent

  • 💫D@T $C😜👅$€R💫

    nickolas1155 wrote:

    How do u take over an an area such as a state county city or continent

    Cap everyone init mate 👍

  • MossyWraith

    I thi k it should be unlimited basebuilding, except after like 20k bases the prices double, then past 30k they triple, until the price becomes so ridicously high that you would need to save months of revenue to get just one.

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