Scanning result quantities.

ForumsHelp & Strategy › Scanning result quantities.
  • Ronin

    So I used to get between 11-12 or so resources per cache where as now all of the sudden during the last few days the most I can get is 5-6 resources per cache regardless of what tier scan I do. Not sure why as my roomate is still getting the same as I used to (11-12) dispite me having a higher scan skill completion. Anyone else notice this?


    It comes and goes. Might not do anything but when my scans get lower I force close the app. Seems to help but I may be senile.

  • Ronin

    Have tried everything I can think of including re-downloading the app and still can't get more than 6 resources per cache.

  • Ronin

    Seems as finally after continued tier one scans the number of resources per cache finally started to climb back up. However still not sure as to why this happend.

  • zerx

    According to the strat guide the more people in the area the less your scans are worth. I suggest building a few in severely unpopulated areas, scan only there, and see if that helps

  • ⓜagⓟulse

    i1dave2 wrote:

    Seems as finally after continued tier one scans the number of resources per cache finally started to climb back up. However still not sure as to why this happend.

    I've had this happen a few times myself, but changing scanning locations always fixed it. Location seems to matter somehow...


    I'm getting 5 in tier 1 and only 7 in tier 2 for 2 days. It sucks

  • zerx

    I hit a slump today where my resources only yeilded very low returns... Just seems like the luck of the draw. This was around 11am est

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